Meditation Seven Chakras Layered Candle Crown Root Made in India
Each color in this candle represents one of the 7 chakras in the order energy flows in our body and each color is linked to different emotional attributes.
This candle is the perfect gift.
Use as a long lasting prayer candle and meditation.
Red: Root chakra (MULADHARA): grounding, stability, and security.
Orange: the Sacral chakra (SVADHISHTHANA): intimacy, emotions, addiction and boundaries.
Yellow: Solar plexus (MANIPURA): willpower, energy and perfection.
Green: Heart chakra (ANAHATA): love, faith, hope and flexibility.
Blue: Throat chakra (VISHUDDHA): communication, creativity and healing.
Indigo: Third eye (AJNA): clairvoyance, intuition, and psychic sense.
Purple: Crown chakra (SAHASRARA): understanding, consciousness and enlightenment.
Each color in this candle represents one of the 7 chakras in the order energy flows in our body and each color is linked to different emotional attributes.
This candle is the perfect gift.
Use as a long lasting prayer candle and meditation.
Red: Root chakra (MULADHARA): grounding, stability, and security.
Orange: the Sacral chakra (SVADHISHTHANA): intimacy, emotions, addiction and boundaries.
Yellow: Solar plexus (MANIPURA): willpower, energy and perfection.
Green: Heart chakra (ANAHATA): love, faith, hope and flexibility.
Blue: Throat chakra (VISHUDDHA): communication, creativity and healing.
Indigo: Third eye (AJNA): clairvoyance, intuition, and psychic sense.
Purple: Crown chakra (SAHASRARA): understanding, consciousness and enlightenment.